(Není zobrazeno 9 mezilehlých verzí od 2 dalších uživatelů.) |
Řádek 1: |
Řádek 1: |
| {{English}} | | {{lide|Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.}} |
| <!--[[Soubor:Martin_Landa.png|right]]-->
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| [[Soubor:Martin_Landa.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Martin Landa, 2012]]
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| Lecturer, [http://geomatics.fsv.cvut.cz Department of Geomatics]
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| Motto {{bullet}} http://sciencecodemanifesto.org
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| ==== Personal details ====
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| : Family name: '''Landa'''
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| : First name: '''Martin'''
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| : Date of birth: 17th May 1981
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| : Place of birth: [http://www.louny.cz Louny]<ref name="louny_maps">[http://www.mapy.cz/?query=Louny&portWidth=660&portHeight=481&zoom=5&mapType=base¢erX=135549861¢erY=134989697#centerX=131658630@centerY=136902330@typ=base@zoom=10@vizType=none@vizIds=none Louny on Mapy.cz]</ref>, [http://www.czech.cz/ Czech Republic]<ref name="cz_wikipedia">[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czech_republic Czech Republic on Wikipedia.org]</ref><ref name="cz_uncyclopedia">[http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Czech Czech Republic on Uncyclopedia.org]</ref>
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| : Nationality: Czech
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| A short [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/cv/martin-landa-cv-en.pdf Curriculum Vitae]. <!-- [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/cv/cv_landa_en.pdf English] {{bullet}} [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/cv/cv_landa.pdf Czech] -->
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| : Address: [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=thakurova+7,+prague&sll=50.104485,14.389224&sspn=0.007377,0.017896&g=Thákurova+7,+160+00+Praha+6,+Praha,+Czech+Republic&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr Thakurova 7, Prague 6] (room B802)
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| : Loc: 50°6'11.685"N, 14°23'13.684"E ([http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=50.10412&mlon=14.38843&zoom=17&layers=M map])
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| : Phone number: +420 224 354 644
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| : E-mail: <tt>martin.landa fsv.cvut.cz</tt>
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| : [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa Homepage] {{bullet}} [http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Landa OSGeo profile] {{bullet}} [https://usermap.cvut.cz/profile/landamar/ CTU profile] {{bullet}} [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Martin_Landa ResearchGate]
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| ==== Education ====
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| * 2005-2013 {{bullet}} Ph.D., Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, study program Geodesy and Cartography
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| ** Dissertation: [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/proj/dis/2013/martin-landa-dis-2013.pdf GRASS GIS vector architecture] (in Czech)
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| * 1999-2005 {{bullet}} Ing., Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering, study program Geodesy and Cartography
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| ** Master thesis: [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/publications/2005/diploma_thesis/martin.landa-thesis.pdf Implementation of a GRASS module for importing data in Czech cadastral exchange data format] (in Czech)
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| * 1995-1999 {{bullet}} [http://www.gjj.cz Gymnázium Josefa Jungmanna] in [http://www.litomerice.cz Litoměřice]<ref name="ltm_maps">[http://www.mapy.cz/?query=litomerice&portWidth=660&portHeight=481&zoom=5&mapType=base¢erX=135549861¢erY=134989697 Litoměřice on Mapy.cz]</ref>
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| ==== Work experience ====
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| * 10/2013 {{bullet}} [http://www.cvut.cz/en?set_language=en CTU in Prague], [http://www.fsv.cvut.cz/index.php.en Faculty of Civil Engineering], Department of Geomatics
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| * 10/2008-09/2013 {{bullet}} [http://www.cvut.cz/en?set_language=en CTU in Prague], [http://www.fsv.cvut.cz/index.php.en Faculty of Civil Engineering], [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz Department of Mapping and Cartography]
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| * 01/2007-09/2008 {{bullet}} [http://www.fbk.eu FBK] ([http://mpba.fbk.eu MPBA]), [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Via+Sommarive,+18,+povo&sll=46.071302,11.123992&sspn=0.169825,0.415077&ie=UTF8&z=13&ll=46.067019,11.150494&spn=0.084919,0.207539&om=1 Trento], Italy
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| ===== Projects =====
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| * Member of [http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Team The GRASS Development Team] and [http://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/PSC GRASS Project Steering Committee] ([https://www.ohloh.net/p/grass_gis/contributors/15745350107796 Ohloh.net]) since 2006
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| * [http://gdal.osgeo.org GDAL/OGR] developer ([https://www.ohloh.net/p/gdal/contributors/15861314224788 Ohloh.net]) since 2009
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| ==== Research interests ====
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| * '''[[Open Source Geospatial Research and Education Laboratory]]'''
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| * [http://www.fsf.org/licensing/essays/free-sw.html Free Software] in geoinformatics
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| ** [http://www.ohloh.net/p/grass_gis/contributors/15745350107796 Contribution] in [http://grass.osgeo.org GRASS GIS] development
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| ** [http://www.ohloh.net/p/gdal/contributors/15861314224788 Contribution] in [http://gdal.osgeo.org GDAL/OGR] development
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| See also:
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| * [http://grass.fsv.cvut.cz GRASSwikiCZ]
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| * [http://geoinformatics.fsv.cvut.cz/wiki/index.php/Geoinformatics_FCE_CTU Geoinformatics FCE CTU]
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| ==== Teaching ====
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| ===== Courses =====
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| ; Winter semester
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| * [[153YZOD|Zpracování obrazových dat]] (Remote sensing)
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| * [[153GIS1|GIS 1]] (Basic GIS course)
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| * [[153IG2|Informatika 2]] (Programming in C++)
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| ; Summer semester
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| * [[153YFSG|Free software GIS]] (available also in [[153YFSG/en|English]], see also [[English Courses|other courses]] in English)
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| * [[153UZPD|Úvod do zpracování prostorových dat]] (Introduction into spatial data processing)
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| * [[155GIT1|Informatika 1]] (Matlab)
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| * [[153GIS2|GIS 2]] (Advanced GIS course)
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| ===== Tuition =====
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| Room B802, winter semester 2015/2016
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| :Wednesday 16:00-18:00
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| Or any time based on the agreement (please contact me by mail).
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| ===== Thesis =====
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| ====== Ideas ======
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| List of available topics for '''[[K155 - Vypsaná témata bakalářských a diplomových prací#Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.| Bc. and MSc.]]''' thesis (in Czech).
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| ====== Defended thesis ======
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| * Matěj Krejčí: Analýza a vizualizace srážkových dat z mikrovlnných telekomunikačních spojů pomocí GIS
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| ** Bakalářská práce, 06/2014, B
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| ** [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/proj/bp/2014/matej-krejci-bp-2014.pdf PDF]
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| * Štěpán Turek: Implementation of bundle block adjustment method for determination of exterior orientation into GRASS GIS
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| ** Diplomová práce, 01/2014, A
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| ** [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/proj/dp/2014/stepan-turek-dp-2014.pdf PDF]
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| * Tereza Fiedlerová: Zásuvný modul QGIS pro slučování vektorových dat
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| ** Bakalářská práce, 06/2013, A
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| ** [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/proj/bp/2013/tereza-fiedlerova-bp-2013.pdf PDF]
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| * Anna Kratochvílová: Visualization of Spatio-Temporal Data in GRASS GIS
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| ** Diplomová práce, 01/2013, A
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| ** [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/proj/dp/2013/anna-kratochvilova-dp-2013.pdf PDF]
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| * Štěpán Turek: Implementace podpory WMS do programů GRASS GIS a SGA GIS
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| ** Bakalářská práce, 06/2012, A
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| ** [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/proj/bp/2012/stepan-turek-bp-2012.pdf PDF]
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| * Zdeněk Růžička: Workflow Builder pro Quantum GIS
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| ** Diplomová práce, 06/2012, A
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| ** [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/proj/dp/2012/zdenek-ruzicka-dp-2012.pdf PDF]
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| * Martin Lžíčař. Podpora pro „all-in-one“ projekty v programu QGIS
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| ** Bakalářská práce, 06/2012, C
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| ** [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/proj/bp/2012/martin-lzicar-bp-2012.pdf PDF]
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| * Anna Kratochvílová: Grafické uživatelské rozhraní pro tvorbu mapových výstupů v systému GRASS
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| ** Bakalářská práce, 06/2011, A
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| ** [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/proj/bp/2011/anna-kratochvilova-bp-2011.pdf PDF]
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| * Luboš Truhlář: Vytvoření webové aplikace pro autostop pomocí frameworku Django
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| ** Bakalářská práce, 09/2010, A
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| ** [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/proj/bp/2010/lubos-truhlar-bp-2010.pdf PDF]
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| ===== Calendar =====
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| <center>
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| <googlecalendar>u8cbnoicrpr17mk2s573sqoaa0@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe/Prague</googlecalendar>
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| </center>
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| ===== Misc =====
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| * [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/gnupg_public_key/ GNUPG public key]
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| * [[Knihovna|Library]]
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| ==== Publications ====
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| List of publications in [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/publications/bibtex/landa.html HTML] {{bullet}} [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/publications/bibtex/landa-pub.pdf PDF] {{bullet}} [http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/publications/bibtex/landa.txt TXT] format.
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| ::http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/publications/
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| ==== References ====
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| <references />
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| {{Lidé|Landa Martin}}
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