155ISDP Introduction to Spatial Data Processing

Z GeoWikiCZ
(přesměrováno z 155ISDP)

Basic Information

  • Up-to-date and complete information are ON THIS PAGE
  • Code: 155ISDP
  • Lectures:

Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D.

  • Practical classes:

Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D. (head of the classes), Ing. Ondřej Pešek, Ph.D.

  • lectures per week: 2 hours
  • exercises per week: 2 hours
  • Credits: 6
  • finished with: an exam / project
  • summer semester


Introduction into geospatial data processing. Various workflow automation techniques (interactive tools, Python programming language, and Structured Query Language). Demonstration of various processing environments (desktop applications, database environments, cloud-based computing).


Course tutors: Ing. Martin Landa, Ph.D. (ML), Ing. Ondřej Pešek, Ph.D. (OP)

  • Wednesday 4-5:40pm room: B-870
  • Thursday 9-10:40am room: B-s111
  1. (19+20.2.) [ML] Introduction into GIS, open geospatial datasets
  2. (26+27.3.) [OP] Geospatial data and web services
  3. (05+06.3.) [OP/ML] Data processing automation
  4. (12+13.3.) [ML] Introduction into Python data processing (Esri)
  5. (19+20.3.) [OP] Introduction into Python data processing (open source)
  6. (26+27.3.) [OP] Geospatial Python packages
  7. (02+03.4.) [ML] Space-time geospatial data processing
  8. (09+10.4.) [ML] Introduction into databases, SQL
  9. (16+17.4.) Class cancelled
  10. (23+24.4.) [ML] Geospatial data in SQL
  11. (29.4+7.5.) [ML] Geospatial data processing in SQL (change: 29.4. 9-10:40am B-s111)
  12. (14+15.5.) [TB] Cloud-based geospatial data processing


Materials: https://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/courses/155isdp/

Sample data: https://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/courses/155isdp/data

JupyterHub: http://gislab.fsv.cvut.cz:8000/hub


Each student will work on two mini-projects, one using Python and the other using SQL. Student's evaluation is based on successful fulfillment of these two assignments.

Project requirements:

  • use open geospatial data as input
  • demonstrate knowledge of automated geospatial data processing and its analysis
  • provide results interpretation (discussion, graphs, tables, ...)

Python-based project assignment

  • Assignment 27.3.
  • Presentation 24.4.

Expected submission form: Jupyter Notebook or Python script

SQL-based project assignment

  • Assignment 24.4.
  • Presentation 15.5.

Expected submission form: SQL file

Install instructions for MS Windows

In Jupyter notebook run

!pip install pandas geopandas
