Prof. Ing. Aleš Čepek, CSc.: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 8: Řádek 8:

Thákurova 7,&nbsp;&nbsp;166 29 Praha 6<br/>
Ales Cepek<br/>
Dept. of Mapping anf Cartography<br/>
Faculty of Civil Engineering<br/>
Czech Technical University in Prague<br/>
Thákurova 7,&nbsp;&nbsp;166 29 Prague 6,&nbsp;&nbsp;CZ<br/><br/>
B&nbsp;812, tel. +420 224 354 647, priv. +420 235 318 263, fax. +420 224 355 419<br/>
B&nbsp;812, tel. +420 224 354 647, priv. +420 235 318 263, fax. +420 224 355 419<br/>
e-mail: cepek AT fsv cvut cz<br/>
e-mail: cepek AT fsv cvut cz<br/>

Verze z 13. 11. 2005, 16:12

Ales Cepek
Dept. of Mapping anf Cartography
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Czech Technical University in Prague
Thákurova 7,  166 29 Prague 6,  CZ

B 812, tel. +420 224 354 647, priv. +420 235 318 263, fax. +420 224 355 419
e-mail: cepek AT fsv cvut cz